Introductory Session
Course Introduction
🟣Season 01🟣
Maya Foundations & Creating a Canopy
A Interface Basics
B Core Commands
C Exercise 01 Twin Towers
D Exercise 02 Fluid Canopy
1.Exercise File - Twin Towers
2.Exercise File - Fluid Canopy
Module Based Design
Exercise 03: Braided Vase - Fluid Modular System
3.Exercise File - Braided Vase
Initial Assignment
Initial Assignment Instructions
📝Initial Assignment Submission Portal
Exoskeleton Tower
A Exercise 04 Mirror & Mash Techniques
B Generating the Exoskeleton
C Detailing the Exoskeleton Glass Panels
D Detailing the Exoskeleton The Crown
4.Exercise File - Exoskeleton Tower
Midway Assignment
Midway Assignment Instructions
📝Midway Assignment Submission Portal
Deformers & Masterplan Design
A Introduction to Deformers
B Non Linear Deformers
C Landscape Development
D Exercise 05 Volumetric Development
5.Exercise File - Deformers & Masterplan Design
Feature Column Design
A Introduction to Feature Column
B Generating the Surface Pattern
C Developing the Feature Column
D Final Scene
6.Exercise File - Feature Column
Interoperability: Towers, Integrated Base, Materiality
A Generating the Set of Towers
B Detailing the Base & Materiality
C Developing the Mirrored Geometry
7. Exercise File - Interoperability
Final Assignment
Final Assignment Instructions
📝Final Assignment Submission Portal
🟣Season 02🟣
Fluid Bridge
A Developing the Primary Gesture
B Articulating the Ribbon
C Creating the Road Network
D Detailing the Bridge
E Generating the Suspension Cables
8. Exercise File - Fluid Bridge
Cloth Simulations
A nCloth Introduction
B Generating a Basic Vault
C Context Development
D Introducing Detached Components
E Exporting Geometries
9. Exercise File - Cloth Simulations
Cascading Facade
A Introduction
B Module development
C Volumetric Development
D Form Articulation and Generating Slabs
E Podium Design
10.Exercise File - Cascading Facades
Residential Tower
A Introduction
B Designing the Exterior Shell
C Generating Balconies and Voids
D Adding Glass and Articulation around Voids
E Adding Thicknesses
F Developing the Podium and Skybridge
11.Exercise File - Residential Tower
The Promenade
A Introduction
B Creating the basic outline
C Developing The Promenade
D Promenade articulation
E Plot subdivision
12.Exercise File - The Promenade
Fluid Envelope
A Introduction
B Generating the Skin
C Skin Articulation
D Podium + Shell Development
E Exterior Detailing
F Interior Design
13. Exercise File - Fluid Envelope
[New] Season 02 Assignment
📝Season 02 Assignment Submission Portal
Preview - Futurly+ Maya Core
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